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Fostering Unfiltered: Behind the scenes of the campaign

16.05.23 | 3 minute read

Behind the scenes of the Fostering Unfiltered campaign

Tired of campaigns that focus on the need for more foster carers and make current foster carers feel like they’re not enough?

Imagine a campaign that turns the tables and celebrates nearly 1,500 foster families already making a positive impact in Greater Manchester.

Introducing Fostering Unfiltered - a bold new fostering recruitment campaign developed by purpose-led creative marketing agency Eleven, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the ten local authorities that make up GMCA.

Sharing real stories from real foster carers

Through their own research, Eleven discovered how difficult it is for people to find authentic information about the realities of fostering, leaving them disappearing down ‘internet rabbit holes’.

Surveys with current GM foster carers revealed that over 50% of them had spoken to someone they knew who fostered to get more information. And over 60% believed that more people could be attracted to the role if they could hear directly from current foster carers.

This highlighted the importance of giving potential foster carers an authentic and honest perspective on the fostering experience from people with first-hand knowledge, which is exactly what inspired Eleven to create this new campaign.

Fostering Unfiltered aims to reach as many people as possible with the real stories of real foster carers. By showcasing their experiences, challenges, and rewards, the campaign hopes to demystify the fostering process and inspire more people to take the first step towards becoming a foster carer.

The new fostering campaign demonstrates Greater Manchester Combined Authority's ambition of doing things differently and reinforces Manchester's progressive reputation. By promoting diversity among future foster carers, it fosters a more inclusive and caring environment for fostering families across the city region. The campaign also provides a platform for GMCA to advocate for the sector and for the 10 local councils to collaborate and celebrate their fostering community.

Stepping away from old approaches

It's no secret that councils are in desperate need of more foster carers, but traditional recruitment tactics are leaving those potentially interested feeling pressured and turned off. Rather than providing potential carers with all the information they need to self-educate and self-qualify to see if fostering is right for them, people feel pushed to contact and apply immediately.

In a focus group of people who identified as curious about fostering but hadn’t taken their interest any further one participant said: “I’ve always been interested, and I’ve searched it and gone on the website, but I don’t feel like the content gives me enough information to take it further. It’s very much like…okay so you’re interested ring up or fill out this form. I don’t want to give that commitment at this point or then be hassled on the phone. I’d like to read content in my own time.”

Eleven soon realised the current approach isn’t working and both sides are losing confidence in each other’s motives. This prompted Greater Manchester to take a stand and draw up a pledge committing to refreshing honesty and unwavering support for prospective and current foster carers that all 10 local authorities have signed up to. This bold move reflects the councils' commitment to making Greater Manchester the most fostering friendly region in the UK.

The Fostering Unfiltered campaign website seeks to turn the tide and promote the foster carer lifestyle, widen the appeal, and nurture interest with an exceptional content journey to build a community of foster carers for the future.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of fostering like never before with fresh and unfiltered experiences that bring the fostering world to life in all its messy, glorious detail.

This campaign is all about giving a voice to the foster carer community and making them feel seen and heard. Potential carers can get a first-hand look at the role in a peer-to-peer way, as if they were already part of the community.

Fostering Unfiltered is your opportunity to get the inside track on the world of fostering and discover how you can make a difference in the lives of children who need it most.

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